Sunday, February 6, 2011

part 4

part 4

it looks like they are going to throw her in

are they or are they not???

nope they didnt throw her in the fountain. nice dads arnt they!!!

2 mothers sitting and talking as they watch there girlscout daughters sell cookies to tourists from all over the world

a nice couple is buying some girl scout cookies

a lonely lady sitting on a bench

watching traffic

looking at the fountain with wonder

posing for a picture

 enjoying lunch by the fountain
this is one of my favorite photos. the dad had shook the tree to make it rain flower petals on his children.

 this guy caught me but he gave me the thumbs up sign though
and the peace sign

walking through the park

lonely women again different bench

waiting for dad to tie his shoe

posing for a picture

a street artist playing guitar

a street artist and his very small audience but he alot of other compeating street artisit as well

well stay tuned for part 5 and thanks for reading

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